

Phoenix Himalayan Salt is ISO 9001:2015 Registered. In 1999, the company emerged as a government registered, leading manufacturer and exporter of various grades of salt as well as stunning salt items for numerous sectors like food and home decor!



9001:2000 is also a company level certification where a standard has to be maintained. This is published by the International Organization for Standardization. Phoenix Himalayan Salt is 9000:2000 certified where we strictly follow the rules and protocols.



Phoenix Himalayan Salt is verified as Halal which means it is “permissible” for Muslims to consume our product without any dual thoughts. You can check the symbol and the ingredients on the packaging as well.


Food and Drug Administration

Tested by the food and drug administration, our salt is qualified to be pure and safe for both the young and old. As the active ingredient is labelled as GRAS, it’s recognized to be absolutely consumable without any health risk.


Government of Pakistan

Registered with the Federal, provincial as well as local Govt. of Pakistan, Phoenix Himalayan Salt has been producing premium quality salt and salt products.


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